As it is early travel season (or so we thought) we didn't expect a crowded city but after cruising through the streets for quite some time we were finally lucky to find an parking garage with available space. The walk through the Fußgängerzone made it clear that as least as many people were here for shopping as for sightseeing (as you can see on the picture below).

It made us also feel like being on holiday with all these tourists from all over the world asking for things like "typical German Ice-Cream" and the restaurants offering food like Weißwürste or Schweinshaxe (not exactly typical for the Kurpfalz area). The way up to the castle wasn't that baby buggy friendly but the nice view down to the city with the old bridge and the Neckar was a good compensation. I'm sure we will return soon (including a visit to the Märchenparadies for the girls) because in the evening we were just too lazy to walk up the Philosophenweg which should provide a wonderful view across the old town and the castle.

More pictures at my Picasa Web Album
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